Blogging to express self and social identities, any one?
Blogging has fast emerged as an unparalleled social computing phenomenon not to be ignored. This paper begins by reviewing the motivation factors for blogging identified in the extant literature. These factors can be broadly classified as either activities-based or behavioral-based. We then propose that a root motivation factor based on the theoretical underpinnings of self identity and social identity can better explain blogging motivation compared to the existing factors. Specifically, we posit that individuals could be receptive toward a migration of their real world self and social identities to the online virtual blog environment and thereby cumulates in the formation of blogger virtual identities. Blogger virtual identities is conceptualized as a second order formative construct formulated through two first-order reflective subconstructs, namely the virtual self identities and virtual social identities. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior, we propose a virtual identities model of blogging intention to investigate how the blogger virtual identities can lead to blogging intention and actual blogging behaviour. A two-stage research methodology consisting of a qualitative content analysis and followed by a survey is also proposed. We conclude with a brief discussion on the potential theoretical and practical contributions of this paper.
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